Results for 'Dawn Michele Hiscock'

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  1.  5
    Human rights and nursing codes of ethics in Canada 1953–2017.Dawn Tisdale & Paisly Michele Symenuk - 2020 - Nursing Ethics 27 (4):1077-1088.
    Human rights are foundational to the health and well-being of all individuals and have remained a central tenet of nursing’s ethical framework throughout history. The purpose of this study is to explore continuity and changes to human rights in nursing codes of ethics in the Canadian context. This study examines nursing codes of ethics between the years 1953 and 2017, which spans the very first code in Canada to the most recently adopted. The historical method is used to compare and (...)
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  2. The Virtuous Influence of Ethical Leadership Behavior: Evidence from the Field.Mitchell J. Neubert, Dawn S. Carlson, K. Michele Kacmar, James A. Roberts & Lawrence B. Chonko - 2009 - Journal of Business Ethics 90 (2):157-170.
    This study examines a moderated/mediated model of ethical leadership on follower job satisfaction and affective organizational commitment. We proposed that managers have the potential to be agents of virtue or vice within organizations. Specifically, through ethical leadership behavior we argued that managers can virtuously influence perceptions of ethical climate, which in turn will positively impact organizational members’ flourishing as measured by job satisfaction and affective commitment to the organization. We also hypothesized that perceptions of interactional justice would moderate the ethical (...)
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    Perceptions of ethics across situations: A view through three different lenses. [REVIEW]Dawn S. Carlson & K. Michele Kacmar - 1997 - Journal of Business Ethics 16 (2):147-160.
    This paper examined three approaches for understanding perceptions of ethics: moral philosophies, cognitive moral development, and ethical value systems. First, the dimensionality of the moral philosophy approach was examined. Next, an attempt was made to integrate the models. Finally, each of the model's various components were used in a regression equation to isolate the best predictors of ethicality. Results indicated that the moral philosophies can be considered distinct entities, but the common underlying theme between the approaches was not as predicted. (...)
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    Institutional context and auditors' moral reasoning: A canada-u.S. Comparison. [REVIEW]Linda Thorne, Dawn W. Massey & Michel Magnan - 2003 - Journal of Business Ethics 43 (4):305 - 321.
    This paper compares the moral reasoning of 363 auditors from Canada and the United States. We investigate whether national institutional context is associated with differences in auditors'' moral reasoning by examining three components of auditors'' moral decision process: (1) moral development, which describes cognitive moral capability, (2) prescriptive reasoning of how a realistic accounting dilemma ought to be resolved and, (3) deliberative reasoning of how a realistic accounting dilemma will be resolved. Not surprisingly, it appears that institutional factors are more (...)
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    : The Dawn of Industrial Agriculture in Iowa: Anthropology, Literature, and History.Michelle Mart - 2023 - Isis 114 (1):218-219.
  6.  31
    What Returns? Comprehending the “Boomerang Effect”.Dawn Herrera - 2024 - Arendt Studies 8:223-250.
    The “boomerang thesis” enjoys widespread currency in contemporary scholarship: that the means and ends of colonial domination would “spin back” to the metropole is an idea with intuitive grip. This article extrapolates the depth of meaning this metaphor contains, as well as what it conceals. It first considers the “boomerang” as it appears in Aimé Césaire’s Discourse on Colonialism, a poetic work that captures the moral and experiential return-effects of imperial violence. Turning to Hannah Arendt’s The Origins of Totalitarianism—the only (...)
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    Narrative theory and function: Why evolution matters.Michelle Scalise Sugiyama - 2001 - Philosophy and Literature 25 (2):233-250.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Philosophy and Literature 25.2 (2001) 233-250 [Access article in PDF] Narrative Theory and Function: Why Evolution Matters Michelle Scalise Sugiyama I It may seem a strange proposition that the study of human evolution is integral to the study of literature, yet that is exactly what this paper proposes. The reasons for this are twofold. Firstly, the practice of storytelling is ancient, pre-dating not only the advent of writing, but (...)
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    The Politics of Method: Arendt and Foucault on Hobbes.Dawn Herrera Helphand - 2024 - Journal of the Philosophy of History 18 (3):392-416.
    In The Origins of Totalitarianism (1951) and the “Society Must Be Defended” lectures (1975–1976), Hannah Arendt and Michel Foucault present unexpected engagements with Thomas Hobbes’ Leviathan. This article contextualizes and elucidates their interpretations of Hobbes by foregrounding the genealogical aspect of their projects. Their readings of Leviathan reflect common methodological commitments and figure the distinct but related problematics which Foucault and Arendt articulate, encapsulating the differences between their influential conceptions of power. The article concludes with a reading of Hobbes’ theory (...)
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    Pricing the priceless child 2.0: children as human capital investment.Nina Bandelj & Michelle Spiegel - forthcoming - Theory and Society:1-26.
    This article takes Viviana Zelizer’s (1985) Pricing the Priceless Child to the new millennium. Zelizer documented the transformation between the 19th and 20th century from an “economically useful” to an “emotionally priceless” child. She observed that by the 1930s, American children were practically economically worthless but invested with significant emotional value. What has happened to this emotionally priceless child at the dawn of the new millennium? Has there been a new transformation in the social value of children, and, if (...)
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    Dieu, la science, les preuves: l'aube d'une révolution.Michel-Yves Bolloré - 2021 - Paris: Guy Trédaniel éditeur. Edited by Olivier Bonnassies & Robert Woodrow Wilson.
    Three years of work with more than twenty scientists and high-level specialists: here are revealed the modern proofs of the existence of God. For almost four centuries, from Copernicus to Freud via Galileo and Darwin, scientific discoveries have accumulated in a spectacular way, giving the impression that it was possible to explain the Universe without the need to resort to a god. Creator. And so it was that at the beginning of the 20th century, materialism triumphed intellectually. In a way (...)
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  11. Universalist Vocation and Cultural Fragmentation: The Same Masks.Pilar Echeverría & Michele Gardner - 1996 - Diogenes 44 (173):27-39.
    The question thus formulated is inscribed in the purest philosophical tradition: it actualizes the scope of wonder, that Greek sentiment that awakens not before the extraordinary, but precisely before the most ordinary and obvious, before the fact of being there; wonder that is particular to the first thinkers of the dawn of the West and from which philosophy and science are born.
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    Wittgenstein and Aesthetics: Perspectives and Debates.Alessandro Arbo, Michel LeDu & Sabine Plaud (eds.) - 2012 - De Gruyter.
    Wittgenstein has written a great number of remarks relevant to aesthetical issues: he has questioned the relation between aesthetics and psychology as well as the status of our norms of judgment; he has drawn philosophers attention to such topics as aspect-seeing and aspect-dawning, and has brought insights into the nature of our aesthetic reactions. The examination of this wide range of topics is far from being completed, and the purpose of this book is to contribute to such completion. It gathers (...)
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    The Dawning Ethics of Aleatory Materialism: A Study of Marx and Michel Henry.Max Schaefer - 2021 - In Bryan Smyth & Richard Westerman (eds.), Marxism and Phenomenology: The Dialectical Horizons of Critique. Lanham: Lexington Books. pp. 193-212.
  14.  21
    Logic, Automata, and Computational Complexity: The Works Of Stephen A. Cook. Edited by Bruce M. Kapron, ACM Books, vol. 43. Association for Computing Machinery, New York, xxvi + 398 pp.—therein: - Michelle Waitzman. Stephen Cook: Complexity’s Humble Hero, pp. 3–28. - Bruce M. Kapron and Stephen A. Cook, ACM Interview of Stephen A. Cook by Bruce M. Kapron, pp. 29–44. - Stephen A. Cook, Overview of Computational Complexity, pp. 47–70. - Christos H. Papadimitriou, Cook’s NP-Completeness Paper and the Dawn of the New Theory, pp. 73–82. - Jan Krajíček, The Cook–Reckhow Definition, pp. 83–94. - Sam Buss, Polynomially Verifiable Arithmetic, pp. 95–106. - Paul Beame and Pierre McKenzie, Towards a Complexity Theory of Parallel Computation, pp. 107–126. - Nicholas Pippenger, Computation with Limited Space, pp. 127–140. - Stephen A. Cook, The Complexity of Theorem-Proving Procedures, pp. 143–152. - Stephen A. Cook, _Characterizations of Pushdown Machines in Terms of Time-Bound. [REVIEW]Pavel Pudlák - 2023 - Bulletin of Symbolic Logic 29 (4):657-660.
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  15. Société de Classe Et Psychanalyse.Claudiu Gaiu - 2019 - Studia Universitatis Babeş-Bolyai Philosophia:245-257.
    Class Society and Psychoanalysis. Despite being sidelined, Michel Clouscard was a prolific writer and taught sociology at the Université de Poitiers from 1975 to 1990. Clouscard focused on describing the peculiar discourse of emancipation that resulted from the marriage of psychoanalysis and Marxism, which was then termed Freudo-Marxism, and was gaining currency in the aftermath of May ’68. For Clouscard, the emancipation of desire and productivity upheld by the Freudo-Marxists went hand-in-hand with the emergence of new markets and techno-structures which (...)
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    Phenomenology and Embodiment: Husserl and the Constitution of Subjectivity.Joona Taipale - 2014 - Evanston, Illinois: Northwestern University Press.
    At the dawn of the modern era, philosophers reinterpreted their subject as the study of consciousness, pushing the body to the margins of philosophy. With the arrival of Husserlian thought in the late nineteenth century, the body was once again understood to be part of the transcendental field. And yet, despite the enormous influence of Husserl’s phenomenology, the role of "embodiment" in the broader philosophical landscape remains largely unresolved. In his ambitious debut book, _Phenomenology and Embodiment,_ Joona Taipale tackles (...)
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    The State's Duty to Foster Voter Competence.Michele Giavazzi & Zsolt Kapelner - 2024 - Episteme 21 (3):719-732.
    In this paper we discuss an often-neglected topic in the literature on the ethics of voting. Our aim is to provide an account of what states are obligated to do, so that voters may fulfil their role as public decision-makers in an epistemically competent manner. We argue that the state ought to provide voters with what we call a substantive opportunity for competence. This entails that the state ought to actively foster the epistemic capabilities that are necessary to achieve competent (...)
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  18. Questions of Reference and the Reflexivity of First-Person Thought.Michele Palmira - 2022 - Journal of Philosophy 119 (11):628-640.
    Tradition has it that first-person thought is somehow special. It is also commonplace to maintain that the first-person concept obeys a rule of reference to the effect that any token first-person thought is about the thinker of that thought. Following Annalisa Coliva and, more recently, Santiago Echeverri, I take the specialness claim to be the claim that thinking a first-person thought comes with a certain guarantee of its pattern of reference. Echeverri maintains that such a guarantee is explained by a (...)
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    The intrinsic activity of the brain and its relation to levels and disorders of consciousness.Michele Farisco, Steven Laureys & Katinka Evers - 2017 - Mind and Matter 15 (2).
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    When Is It Democratically Legitimate to Opt Out of Public Education?Michele S. Moses & Terri S. Wilson - 2020 - Educational Theory 70 (3):255-276.
  21.  37
    Towards Rawlsian ‘property-owning democracy’ through personal data platform cooperatives.Michele Loi, Paul-Olivier Dehaye & Ernst Hafen - 2023 - Critical Review of International Social and Political Philosophy 26 (6):769-787.
    This paper supports the personal data platform cooperative as a means of bringing about John Rawls’s favoured institutional realisation of a just society, the property-owning democracy. It describes personal data platform cooperatives and applies Rawls’s political philosophy to analyse the institutional forms of a just society in relation to the economic power deriving from aggregating personal data. It argues that a society involving a significant number of personal data platform cooperatives will be more suitable to realising Rawls’s principle of fair (...)
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  22. Arithmetic Judgements, First-Person Judgements and Immunity to Error Through Misidentification.Michele Palmira - 2018 - Review of Philosophy and Psychology 10 (1):155-172.
    The paper explores the idea that some singular judgements about the natural numbers are immune to error through misidentification by pursuing a comparison between arithmetic judgements and first-person judgements. By doing so, the first part of the paper offers a conciliatory resolution of the Coliva-Pryor dispute about so-called “de re” and “which-object” misidentification. The second part of the paper draws some lessons about what it takes to explain immunity to error through misidentification. The lessons are: First, the so-called Simple Account (...)
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  23.  29
    Correction to: Highway to (Digital) Surveillance: When Are Clients Coerced to Share Their Data with Insurers?Michele Loi, Christian Hauser & Markus Christen - 2020 - Journal of Business Ethics 175 (1):21-21.
    The initial online publication contained a typesetting mistake in the author information. The original article has been corrected.
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    Neurotechnology and Direct Brain Communication: New Insights and Responsibilities Concerning Speechless but Communicative Subjects.Michele Farisco & Kathinka Evers (eds.) - 2016 - Routledge.
    __Neurotechnology and Direct Brain Communication__ focuses on recent neuroscientific investigations of infant brains and of patients with disorders of consciousness, both of which are at the forefront of contemporary neuroscience. The prospective use of neurotechnology to access mental states in these subjects, including neuroimaging, brain simulation and brain computer interfaces, offers new opportunities for clinicians and researchers, but has also received specific attention from philosophical, scientific, ethical and legal points of view. This book offers the first systematic assessment of these (...)
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  25.  19
    Il noeîn parmenideo nella concezione plotiniana del Noûs.Michele Abbate - 2016 - Methodos 16.
    Le sujet de cette étude est la manière dont Plotin, dans une perspective qui reste essentiellement platonicienne, interprète la notion de noeîn dans Parménide, surtout à la lumière du bien connu Fr. 3 DK, sur l’identité de l’être et de la pensée, dont Plotin, avec Clément d'Alexandrie, est notre source. Cette interprétation est essentielle pour comprendre la nature et la fonction ontologique-métaphysique de l’hypostase plotinienne du Noûs. La conception parménidienne de noeîn est profondément remaniée par Plotin et intégrée dans une (...)
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  26. Filosofia e antifilosofia.Michele Federico Sciacca - 1968 - Milano,: Marzorati.
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  27. Philosophical trends in the contemporary world.Michele Federico Sciacca - 1964 - [Notre Dame, Ind.]: University of Notre Dame Press.
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  28. .Michèle Friend - 2013 - Les Cahiers D'Ithaque.
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    Simone de Beauvoir and Existentialism.Michele Le Doeuff - 1980 - Feminist Studies 6 (2):277.
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  30. Food ethics in an intergenerational perspective.Michele Loi - 2016 - In Mary C. Rawlinson & Caleb Ward (eds.), The Routledge Handbook of Food Ethics. London: Routledge. pp. 138--147.
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  31. Rivista internazionale di logica pura E applicata, di linguistica E di filosofia fondata da Carlo d'amelio T professore di macchine nella facolltà di ingegneria.Michele Malatesta - 1999 - Metalogicon: Rivista Internazionale di Logica Pura E Applicata di Linguistica E di Filosofia 12:88.
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    Actualidad del “enchiridion” agustiniano.Michele Federico Sciacca - 1971 - Augustinus 16 (64):377-386.
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    Il nuovo umanesimo.Michele Ciliberto (ed.) - 2017 - Bari: GLF editori Laterza.
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    About the compatibility between the perturbational complexity index and the global neuronal workspace theory of consciousness.Michele Farisco & Jean-Pierre Changeux - unknown
    This paper investigates the compatibility between the theoretical framework of the global neuronal workspace theory (GNWT) of conscious processing and the perturbational complexity index (PCI). Even if it has been introduced within the framework of a concurrent theory (i.e. Integrated Information Theory), PCI appears, in principle, compatible with the main tenet of GNWT, which is a conscious process that depends on a long-range connection between different cortical regions, more specifically on the amplification, global propagation, and integration of brain signals. Notwithstanding (...)
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    Distances between formal theories.Michele Friend, Mohamed Khaled, Koen Lefever & Gergely Székely - unknown - Review of Symbolic Logic 13 (3):633-654.
    In the literature, there have been several methods and definitions for working out whether two theories are “equivalent” or not. In this article, we do something subtler. We provide a means to measure distances between formal theories. We introduce two natural notions for such distances. The first one is that of axiomatic distance, but we argue that it might be of limited interest. The more interesting and widely applicable notion is that of conceptual distance which measures the minimum number of (...)
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    Correction to: Immunity, thought insertion, and the first-person concept.Michele Palmira - 2020 - Philosophical Studies 177 (12):3861-3861.
    In the original publication of the article, the funding information was inadvertently missed out. The information is provided in this Correction.
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    Diritto e filosofia.Michele Barillari - 1910 - Napoli: Tip. della R. Università, A. Cimmaruta.
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  38. The jagged edge.Michele Murray - 1981 - In George Abbott White (ed.), Simone Weil, Interpretations of a Life. Amherst: Amherst : University of Massachusetts Press.
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    Neuroethics: A Conceptual Approach.Michele Farisco, Arleen Salles & Kathinka Evers - 2018 - Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics 27 (4):717-727.
    :In this article, we begin by identifying three main neuroethical approaches: neurobioethics, empirical neuroethics, and conceptual neuroethics. Our focus is on conceptual approaches that generally emphasize the need to develop and use a methodological modus operandi for effectively linking scientific and philosophical interpretations. We explain and assess the value of conceptual neuroethics approaches and explain and defend one such approach that we propose as being particularly fruitful for addressing the various issues raised by neuroscience: fundamental neuroethics.
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    Institutional Operability: Outward Rule-Following, Inward Role-Playing.Michele Bocchiola & Emanuela Ceva - 2023 - Analyse & Kritik 45 (2):325-347.
    Institutional operability refers to the normative conditions governing the exercise of power of office that makes an institution work. Because institutional action occurs by the interrelated actions of the officeholders, a focus on institutional operability requires the analysis and assessment of the officeholders’ conduct in their institutional capacity. This article distinguishes two perspectives on operability: ‘outward’ and ‘inward.’ The outward view emphasizes predefined instructions for efficient execution, focusing on rule-following to achieve institutional purposes. The inward perspective highlights role-playing and reflective (...)
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    Space Between Languages.Michele I. Feist - 2008 - Cognitive Science 32 (7):1177-1199.
    What aspects of spatial relations influence speakers’ choice of locative? This article presents a study of static spatial descriptions from 24 languages. The study reveals two kinds of spatial terms evident cross‐linguistically: specific spatial terms and general spatial terms (GSTs). Whereas specific spatial terms—including English prepositions—occur in a limited range of situations, with concomitant specificity in their meaning, GSTs occur in all spatial descriptions (in languages that employ them). Because of the extreme differences in range of application, the two are (...)
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  42.  26
    How I Would have been Differently Treated. Discrimination Through the Lens of Counterfactual Fairness.Michele Https://Orcidorg Loi, Francesco Https://Orcidorg Nappo & Eleonora Https://Orcidorg Vigano - 2023 - Res Publica 29 (2):185-211.
    The widespread use of algorithms for prediction-based decisions urges us to consider the question of what it means for a given act or practice to be discriminatory. Building upon work by Kusner and colleagues in the field of machine learning, we propose a counterfactual condition as a necessary requirement on discrimination. To demonstrate the philosophical relevance of the proposed condition, we consider two prominent accounts of discrimination in the recent literature, by Lippert-Rasmussen and Hellman respectively, that do not logically imply (...)
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    Rodolfo Sacco’s Theoretical Contribution to Comparative Law: A Personal Account.Michele Graziadei - 2024 - International Journal for the Semiotics of Law - Revue Internationale de Sémiotique Juridique 37 (5):1471-1484.
    This article highlights certain aspects of Rodolfo Sacco’s theoretical work on comparative law. Rather than offering an exhaustive discussion, it outlines key points in his intellectual journey to help the reader understand how certain themes gained prominence in his work. An outstanding figure in the comparative law community since the 1970s, he remained active until the end of his life, well into the twenty-first century. Through his many contributions to the field, Sacco took comparative law research in new directions. He (...)
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    Husserl on Communication and Knowledge Sharing in the Logical Investigations and a 1931 Manuscript.Michele Averchi - 2018 - Husserl Studies 34 (3):209-228.
    In the Logical Investigations, Husserl argues that “sign” is an ambiguous word because it refers to two essentially different signitive functions: indication and expression. Indications work in an evidential way, providing information through a direct association of the sign and the presence of an object or state of affairs. Expressions work in a non-evidential way, pointing to possible experiences and displaying that the speaker or someone else has had such experience. In this paper I show that Husserl went back to (...)
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    Optimal balancing of time-dependent confounders for marginal structural models.Michele Santacatterina & Nathan Kallus - 2021 - Journal of Causal Inference 9 (1):345-369.
    Marginal structural models can be used to estimate the causal effect of a potentially time-varying treatment in the presence of time-dependent confounding via weighted regression. The standard approach of using inverse probability of treatment weighting can be sensitive to model misspecification and lead to high-variance estimates due to extreme weights. Various methods have been proposed to partially address this, including covariate balancing propensity score to mitigate treatment model misspecification, and truncation and stabilized-IPTW to temper extreme weights. In this article, we (...)
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  46. Concezioni della scienza e teorie del diritto. Ipotesi per una revisione dello scientismo giusfilosofico.Michele Bonacchi & Paolo Bernardini - 2008 - Rivista Internazionale di Filosofia Del Diritto 85 (2):247-288.
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    Les fragments de Stoïciens sur le mélange: traduction et notes.Michèle Broze - 2006 - Revue de Philosophie Ancienne 24.
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    The Routledge handbook on Karl Polanyi.Michele Cangiani & Claus Thomasberger (eds.) - 2024 - New York: Routledge Taylor & Francis Group.
    Karl Polanyi is one of the most influential social scientists of our era. A report of the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD) begins by noting that we are in a "Polanyi era": a time of dangerously unregulated markets, where the greatest need for decisive political action is matched by the least trust in politics. This handbook provides a comprehensive of recent research on Polanyi's work and ideas, including the central place occupied by his thinking on the relationship (...)
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    Kuhn, Polanyi e Wittgenstein sul significato: esemplari, conoscenza tacita e giochi linguistici.Michele Casamonti - 1999 - Rivista di Storia Della Filosofia 2.
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    Diplomatic personae: Torquato Tasso on the ambassador.Michele Chiaruzzi - 2022 - History of European Ideas 48 (5):481-498.
    ABSTRACT This article examines Torquato Tasso’s Il Messaggiero [The Messenger], by focusing on the political subject matter, as discussed in the final part of the text through an imaginary dialogue, that is, the figure of the ambassador, the framework of his office and its relationship with power. Tasso’s dialogue features the nature of the ambassador as a figure incarnating his own ‘self’, while simultaneously representing his prince and acting on his own behalf within a specific political context, an external dimension, (...)
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